Saturday, October 6, 2012

Rome Total War Cheats

Rome Total War Cheats

Cheats RTW(rome total war)

mungkin pengunjung blog bakal bilang:"apaan pake cheat segala??cupu luh!!NEWBIE!!!!"...mungkin emang terdengar newbie yah maen game pake cheat..tapi di rome total war...susah klo maen gak pake cheat...apalagi klo gak bisa ngatur ekonominya..kaco dah..karenanya sekarang saya akan mempost cheat2 rtw...hahahahha  lanjutt...

harga unit di diskon 10%(suer gak boong)
membuat gajah powerful
biar bisa ngeliat daerah yg gelap
add_money <jumlah>
ngasih uang ke player..maksimal 40,000 denarii. (contoh: add_money 40000)
add_population <nama kota> <jumlah>
menambah populasi kota tertentu sampai batas 4,000. (Example: add_population Carthage 4000). kalau pake "-" sebelum angka..berarti itu ngurangin(Example: -4000)
auto_win <attacker/defender>
bikin kamu menang perang..tergantung klo kamu penyerang atau defensif..pake kode ini sebelum masuk perang Example: auto_win attacker)
give_trait <character> <trait> <level number>
Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general. Generals with two words in their name must have their full name contained in parenthesis, and have spaces (not underscores) between words. Example: give_trait "Quintus Brutus" Drink 1
process_cq <city name>
Instantly completes all buildings in queue in specified city. (Example: process_cq Carthage)
create_unit <settlement/captain/general> <"unit type"> <amount> <experience> <weapon upgrade> <armor upgrade>
Create any unit that your Faction can use (max amount of 5 Units, 9 Experience, 3 Armor/Weapon). The unit type must be the name in the Type field of Export_Descr_Unit.txt
Destroys walls as artillery does. Often must be done several times to make a breach.
move_character <Z> <X,Y>
Moves character to location, where Z is character name and X Y are coordinates.
force_diplomacy <accept / decline>
When negotiating with an AI faction, entering this code will force them to either accept or decline your proposal. Example: force_diplomacy accept
invulnerable_general <name>
General specified is invulnerable. (Example: invulnerable_general Tigranes)
season <summer/winter>
Changes season to that specified. (Example season summer)
When on the Campaign Map, enter this code, then press the Enter key. It will give you the x,y coordinates of the spot your mouse is hovering over. Useful for modding and in conjunction with the move_character code.
The specified faction is removed from the campaign, most of its units disband and everything else turns rebel. The internal names of the factions are: romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, romans_senate, gauls, britons, germans, spain, dacia, scythia, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid, egypt, numidia, carthage, parthia, pontus, and armenia. You cannot remove the Rebels from the game in this way; and yes, you can remove your own faction resulting in an automatic defeat.
udah ah artiin aja sendiri..cape ane
oh ya untuk cheat create_unit...contohnya gini:create_unit "nama jendral/kapten/kota" "kode unit(klo standarnya disini= C:/Program Files/Activision/Rome Total War/Data/export_descr_units.txt[bukan folder])
*kopas dari blog ane yg laen

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